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Why Use The Pivotal Transfer Device?

The BK Dumps pivotal transfer device (PTD) moves waste in and out of buildings with ease. Simply place mortality in the PTD. Then using a skid steer or loader tractor, push on the push bar to transfer the waste from inside the building to the bucket outside. 

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Stop dragging your mortality through doorways and anterooms. With the PTD, there is no need to go in and out of buildings to collect waste.

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Collect waste in one swift trip, getting on and off your loader only once.

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No motors, belts, batteries, wires, or tires. Just a couple of barings and a push bar.

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So easy, you’ll use it every day. 

Customer Testimonials

“They are a life saver for me! They are great for bio-security and make removal and composting so much easier. They are just slick how they work. Would not want to be without them.” 


Mike Timmerman

“The main benefit for us is not handling dead birds as many times. When the birds are bigger, we don’t have to fight them trying to throw dead ones out the door. When they are small or it’s cooler out, not having to compost every day saves on compost materials and time.”


Rick Sawmiller

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